June 30, 2024: 2 Papers Accepted to
IROS 2024:
January 29, 2024: 3 Papers Accepted to
ICRA 2024:
January 3, 2024: Paper Accepted to
IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO): “Latent Space Planning for Multi-Object Manipulation with Environment-Aware Relational Classifiers”; Yixuan Huang, Nichols Crawford Taylor, Adam Conkey, Weiyu Liu, and Tucker Hermans.
“Adaptive Magnetic Control using Stein Variational Gradient Descent computed Distribution of Object Parameters”; Griffin Tabor, Tucker Hermans.
“Probabilistic Pick and Place Planning instead of Pick then Place Planning”; Mohanraj Devendran Shanthi, Tucker Hermans.
Aug 30, 2023: 2 Papers Accepted to
CoRL 2023:
April 23, 2023: Paper Accepted to
RSS 2023: “StructDiffusion: Language-Guided Creation of Physically-Valid Structures using Unseen Objects” Weiyu Liu, Yilun Du, Tucker Hermans, Sonia Chernova, Chris Paxton.
January 16, 2023: 2 Papers Accepted to
ICRA 2023:
“Planning for Multi-Object Manipulation with Graph Neural Network Relational Classifiers”; Yixuan Huang, Adam Conkey, and Tucker Hermans.
“DefGraspNets: Grasp Planning on 3D Fields with Graph Neural Nets”; Isabella Huang, Yashraj Narang, Ruzena Bajcsy, Fabio Ramos, Tucker Hermans, and Dieter Fox.
December 14, 2022: Paper Accepted to RA-L “Planning Visual-Tactile Precision Grasps via Complementary Use of Vision and Touch”; Martin Matak and Tucker Hermans
August 19, 2022: Amir successfully defended his PhD! Congratulations Dr. Yazdani!
August 8, 2022: Adam successfully defended his PhD! Congratulations Dr. Conkey!
July 18, 2022: Paper Accepted to RA-L “Attracting Conductive Nonmagnetic Objects with Rotating Magnetic Dipole Fields”; Devin K Dalton, Griffin F Tabor, Tucker Hermans, Jake J Abbott.
June 30, 2022: 2 Papers Accepted to
IROS 2022:
“DULA and DEBA: Differentiable Ergonomic Risk Models for Postural Assessment and Optimization in Ergonomically Intelligent pHRI”; Amir Yazdani, Roya Sabbagh Novin, Andrew Merryweather, Tucker Hermans.
“A Pseudo-Tractor Beam for Conductive, Nonmagnetic Objects using Magnetic Fields”; Devin K Dalton, Griffin F Tabor, Tucker Hermans, Jake J Abbott.
April 12, 2022: 2 Papers Accepted to
RSS 2022:
“Adaptive Manipulation of Conductive, Non-magnetic Objects via a Continuous Model of Magnetically Induced Force and Torque”; Griffin F Tabor, Lan N Pham, Jake J Abbott, Tucker Hermans.
“Correcting Robot Plans with Natural Language Feedback”; Pratyusha Sharma, Balakumar Sundaralingam, Valts Blukis, Chris Paxton, Tucker Hermans, Antonio Torralba, Jacob Andreas, Dieter Fox.
February 18, 2022: Paper accepted to RA-L (Special Issue on Robotic Handling of Deformable Objects) “DefGraspSim: Physics-based Simulation of Grasp Outcomes for 3D Deformable Objects”; Isabella Huang, Yashraj Narang, Clemens Eppner, Balakumar Sundaralingam, Miles Macklin, Ruzena Bajcsy, Tucker Hermans, and Dieter Fox.
January 31, 2022: 2 Papers Accepted to
ICRA 2022:
“Learning Visual Shape Control of Novel 3D Deformable Objects from Partial-View Point Clouds”; Bao Thach, Brian Y. Cho, Alan Kuntz, and Tucker Hermans.
“StructFormer: Learning Spatial Structure for Language-Guided Semantic Rearrangement of Novel Objects”; Weiyu Liu, Chris Paxton, Tucker Hermans, Dieter Fox.
November 11, 2021: Paper Accepted to Journal of Biomechanical Engineering: “In Vitro Simulation of Shoulder Motion Driven by 3D Scapular and Humeral Kinematics”; Hema J Sulkar, Tyler W. Knighton, Linda Amoafo, Klevis Aliaj, Christopher W. Kolz, Yue Zhang, Tucker Hermans, Heath B. Henninger;
October 20, 2021: Paper Published in Nature: “Dexterous magnetic manipulation of conductive non-magnetic objects”; Lan N. Pham, Griffin F. Tabor, Ashkan Pourkand, Jacob L. B. Aman, Tucker Hermans & Jake J. Abbott.
October 6, 2021: Roya received the Outstanding Graduate Researcher of the Year award from the Mechanical Engineering department!
September 13, 2021: 2 Papers Accepted to
CoRL 2021
“Predicting Stable Configurations for Semantic Placement of Novel Objects”; Chris Paxton, Chris Xie, Tucker Hermans, Dieter Fox.
“Parallelised Diffeomorphic Sampling-based Motion Planning”; Tin Lai, Weiming Zhi, Tucker Hermans, Fabio Ramos.
September 8, 2021: Paper Accepted to AAAI Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (
AI-HRI) 2021, “Ergonomically Intelligent Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Postural Estimation, Assessment, and Optimization”; Amir Yazdani, Roya Sabbagh Novin, Andrew Merryweather, Tucker Hermans.
August 5, 2021: Emma Pinegar is a
UROP scholar for Fall 2021. Congrats Emma!
“Toward Learning Context-Dependent Tasks from Demonstration for Tendon-Driven Surgical Robots”; Yixuan Huang, Michael Bentley, Tucker Hermans, Alan Kuntz.
“Planning Sensing Sequences for Subsurface 3D Tumor Mapping”; Brian Y. Cho, Tucker Hermans, Alan Kuntz.
July 9, 2021: Short Paper Accepted to RSS 2021 workshop Robotics for People (R4P): Perspectives on Interaction, Learning and Safety, “DULA: A Differentiable Ergonomics Model for Postural Optimization in pHRI”; Amir Yazdani, Roya Sabbagh Novin, Andrew Merryweather, Tucker Hermans.
July 1, 2021: 2 Short Papers Accepted to RSS 2021 Workshop on Deformable Object Simulation in Robotics (DO-Sim)
“DeformerNet: A Deep Learning Approach to 3D Deformable Object Manipulation”; Bao Thach, Alan Kuntz, & Tucker Hermans.
“DefGraspSim: Simulation-base grasping of 3D deformable objects”; Isabella Huang, Yashraj Narang, Clemens Eppner, Balakumar Sundaralingam, Miles Macklin, Tucker Hermans, & Dieter Fox.
June 1, 2021: Paper Accepted to IEEE CASE 2021: “Is The Leader Robot an Adequate Sensor for Posture Estimation and Ergonomic Assessment of A Human Teleoperator?”; Amir Yazdani, Roya Sabbagh Novin, Andrew Merryweather, Tucker Hermans.
April 20, 2021: Tucker received tenure and promotion to Associate Professor in the School of Computing effective July 1, 2021!
April 1, 2021: Amir will be General Chair of HRI Pioneers 2022!
February 28, 2021: Paper Accepted to ICRA 2021: “Risk-Aware Decision Making for Service Robots to Minimize Risk of Patient Falls in Hospitals”; Roya Sabbagh Novin, Amir Yazdani, Andrew Merryweather, Tucker Hermans.