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Education and Outreach

Science Movie Night: AlphaGo

Professor Hermans presented a talk following a screening of AlphaGo at the Salt Lake City Public library in April 2018.

Details available at the Natural History Museum of Utah website.

Skeleton Crew First Tech Challenge Team

Professor Hermans met with members of the Skeleton Crew first tech challenge team to discuss touch-based sensing for use in their 2017-2018 competition.

Engineering Day 2016

Prof. Hermans along with PhD students Michael Bentley and Adam Conkey presented an interactive demonstration entitled “Robot Learning for Manipulation.” Approximately 60 high school students (and some interested parents) learned the basics of robot kinematics and programming by demonstration.

Here the students learn how a robot's arm is made up of joints and links:

and here a student helps teach the Baxter to play the piano.

outreach.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/24 20:38 by